This weekend was one of those DNF ones, with loads of annoyance thrown in.
click here for the rest of the story...
This weekend was one of those DNF ones, with loads of annoyance thrown in.
click here for the rest of the story...
Apropos big boys and their toys: I now have a new circular saw ($48 for this Chinese GMC-"brand" one) and a dishwasher. The dishwasher is boring but useful, while the saw is exciting and dangerous.
...I wouldn't write anything for the blog anymore, but it seems I can't help sending out those superfluous, uninteresting, nondescript ramblings.
Ah well.
Off to Killarney in a few minutes, for a weekend of camping, flying and Glühwein. More when I'm back.
Looks like I won't update this blog anymore. The rest of the site might stay, don't know yet if I want to keep anything at all or not.
This fellow seems to have been pretty close to Taking Drastic Measures.
Yesterday the christmas gift from my family in .at arrived.
Christmas as in "Christmas 2005".
After a measly 6 months enroute and with the outside paper-and-plastic tube in a battered and fucked up state, but it arrived. From the looks of it, the postal idiots took the 'fragile!' note as an encouragement first to pack a few tons of junk on top of the tube and then to route it via Mars...
The disadventure hits it spot on. sigh