source: the ever-topical and refreshingly nasty First Dog on the Moon

[ published on Mon 29.09.2014 20:54 | filed in interests/anti | ]

wenn man das schiache enterl nach einem stückl text vom ambros fragt, dann bekommt man als allererstes resultat meine doktorarbeit zurück.

(auch bei der elendigen bagage isses noch nummer zwei.)

das find ich recht lustig - und passend, weil ich den text im vorspann zitiert hab: bei der arbeit gehts um kooperation, paranoia und misstrauen.

[ published on Thu 25.09.2014 22:41 | filed in brainfarts | ]

So the local *unspeakable* *elided* with the big ambitions, glib tongues, short memories and minimal brains have decided to play the "nasty evil terrorist" sock puppet once again - very likely because

  • it's convenient for justifying all kinds of absolute abuse,

  • the sheep will nod their heads and be suitably subdued by your fear mongering propaganda,

  • and you never have to substantiate any of your divine inspirations - because you can always just handwave some soopersekrid rule that says you're not allowed to say anything about those "threats" - but hey, they're "imminent! honest, trust me". bwuahahaha...

As we all know pretty well there's a ridiculously low risk of the evil bad torrorists (who are obviously "everywhere" according to the *unspeakable*s) terminating you, yes you!; much lower than the risk of you getting mushed by traffic & croaking, or slipping in your bathtub & croaking or...gazillions of other causes.

As a matter of fact i'm quite sure that you're much more likely to be killed by your own government (or one of its allies and sundry henchmen) than by the nasty oh-so-ubiquitous terrorists.

Refuse to be terrorized! (and please do enjoy your noodles)

[ published on Sat 13.09.2014 15:48 | filed in interests/anti | ]

(dear english readers, sorry but that's all quite utterly untranslatable.)

 allerdings wirklich sehr potsdings...

wenn ich mir die letzten 40 jahre globale realpolitik anschauen würde dann wär mein resume 'mehr verlogene scheisse als die "seriösen" politiker kann so eine krach-rosa bettina auch nicht anrichten, und da wärs zuschaun wenigstens lustig.'

[ published on Sat 13.09.2014 10:20 | filed in interests/humour | ]

They are pretty cheap to buy, nowadays, but I prefer making my own if possible - that has the added benefit that I get to understand how it works (or why not).

The intertubes have linked to that diagram for ages, but that one doesn't work. The diode needs to be installed blocking the MAX's TTL output connection, not the input.

This is because the Yaesu radios use the Dallas 1-wire "bus" system, which works by holding the line level high when idle, and to transmit either of the two parties pulls the bus low (for different amounts of time to signal 0/1).

With the diagram as shown above the MAX's pull-up output overpowers the Yaesu's minimal current sink when it tries to pull low, so its transmissions go nowhere.

With the diode blocking against the TX pin, the Yaesu can pull the signal low to send and the MAX TX pin level is isolated. Transmitting to the Yaesu works because when the MAX pulls low, current flows across the diode and the Yaesu sees the low level. Slightly weird, but it works.

Here's the trivially simple Yaesu programming cable that I whipped up:

one FTDI breakout board (I have lots of MAX232s around, but dealing with the extra 5V power supply is less appealing than just using a cheapy usb-to-rs232 module), one diode and one dismantled 4-pin/TRRS plug.

CHIRP works fine with that cable and both my VX-5R and VX-7R.

 simplest yaesu cable possible cable and vx5r
[ published on Sun 07.09.2014 15:26 | filed in interests/tinkering | ]

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