Recently I've experimented a little with twitter, but so far I'm not a big fan.
I really don't grok people claiming the 140 char limit to be 'liberating';
to me it's just one big annoyance: if I don't have to say anything then
I tend to shut up - and if there is something noteworthy that I would indeed
like to share, then it's quite unlikely to fit into that dinky straightjacket
format. (It's pretty obvious that I'm not a big SMS user either.)
Most of what I've seen of twitter feels like looking at JPEGs with quality
level 1; sure,
you can recognize that there's something on that picture but its
nowhere near intelligible and and it hurts my eyes.
On the other hand, I do see uses for this kind of sparrowy chirping;
for example, as a platform for quick updates
about local speed cameras and the like
I think it's very good.
Ambivalence, thy name is az...
Update (Fri 20.10.2017 23:43):
nope, not for me. my twitter account is gone and i'm going back
to literate communication.
[ published on Thu 20.06.2013 16:48
| filed in
i've been asked to extend kuvert a little, so that it optionally
completely rejects emails unless it can encrypt it for all recipients.
that's done now; version 2.1.0 includes that new option, and a variety of
minor fixes and code cleanup.
kuvert's source
is downloadable here or
on github.
the updated manpage is available here.
Update (Mon 02.10.2017 13:09):
...but wait, there's more.
recently i've been getting more feedback/patches
via kuvert's github presence and kuvert has gained a few minor
features and improvements: optional custom config file,
you can configure your gpg path (welcome back, gpg1...)
better starttls support (and debugging) if you're using a recentish perl
and thus a modern net::smtp, better compat with weird clients if you
use kuvert as msp and so on.
we're at version 2.2.1 now and as always kuvert is
downloadable here or
from github; naturally it's in
debian unstable and will hit testing in a few days.
[ published on Mon 03.04.2017 19:01
| filed in