Yesterday started rainy and windy but got quite nice later on.

Chris, Phil and I launched mid-arvo at Beechmont after the wind strength had gone down to a comfortable level; it was very boaty and thermic still, and over time I got up to 1200m ASL and decided to go somewhere. Rob was ok with picking me up, so I went over the back around 1645; quite late but who cares. I didn't expect anything so getting even a small bit of XC was a welcome bonus. I landed 7km from launch just a tad north of Hinchies bombout, and Rob arrived even before I could finish my packing up.

Driving back things looked very nice still, so I quickly jumped into the gear again and off I was for a second flight. That was about 1800, with the sunset just about to happen. After half an hour of blissful boaty flying and taking a number of nice pictures I facelanded perfectly, happy with a days' worth of fun. If only things were that simple more often :-)

Some pics of Chris on the first flight. He was almost as high as I but didn't want to go over the back as 'the retrieve would cut into his drinking time'.

 2008_03_15-chris-beechmont-above-road.jpg  2008_03_15-chris-beechmont-southernspur.jpg

Peter Trulson just before he dashed off to a landing.


Kirsty having fun.

 2008_03_15-kirsty-beechmont-close.jpg 2008_03_15-kirsty-beechmont-through-the-lines.jpg  2008_03_15-kirsty-beechmont-through-the-lines3.jpg 2008_03_15-kirsty-beechmont2.jpg  2008_03_15-kirsty-beechmont-sunset3.jpg

Here's Yours Truly enjoying the evening.

 2008_03_15-az-above-beechmont2.jpg  2008_03_15-az-above-beechmont4.jpg  2008_03_15-beechmont-towards-gc.jpg

And some final sunset shots.

 2008_03_15-kirsty-beechmont.jpg 2008_03_15-kirsty-beechmont-sunset.jpg 2008_03_15-kirsty-beechmont-sunset2.jpg
[ published on Sun 16.03.2008 19:55 | filed in interests/flying | ]
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© Alexander Zangerl