Goddam, it feels like the Endless September all over again: hordes of clueless, reckless, dumb twits invade a world. Again, the fools themselves are not the guiltiest party but rather the provider of the sucky service (who didn't bash them with the netiquette first) should rot in hell.
I'm a "mischievous webmaster"! (Thomas Scott says so, so
it must be true.) As a matter of fact, I'm a non-compromising utter bastard. Therefore I do my best
to make the experience of looking at (a number of) myspace user pages a...memorable one.
(naturally I don't discriminate against normal people: having no referrer header is fine by me. Copying
images onto your own machine and serving it from there is fine by me as it's unavoidable.)
A short reminder from your friendly webmaster: DO NOT HOTLINK TO ANY OF MY IMAGES, OR ELSE. The "else" part can be seen at these places, brought to you by the magic of
perl -ne 's/&/&/g; m!"(http://[^.]+\.myspace.com/[^\"]*)"! || next; $seen{$1}||=1 && print qq|<a href="$1">|.++$i.qq|</a>\n|;' </var/log/apache/access.log
(Note that not all links work as I'm too lazy to strip the ephemeral gunk from the urls.)
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