"If you read Boing Boing's RSS feed, you've probably noticed that we are now running occasional text ads in selected entries."
Yes, and it pisses me off big time: the web version is so ad-infested that it's unreadable (40% of the screen realestate blinks and warbles and tries to entice me), so I read it via RSS (spidered by this abomination in full screen beauty. Form follows function and Content rules.
I hate ads. I run jesred (and maintain it for debian, too), a squid
redirector and crap filter.
I add this to jesred.rules
regexi ^http://feeds.feedburner.com/ http://localhost/jesred/dot.gif
I see no more BB ads. I am happier.
Update (Mon 07.02.2005 20:59):
The redirection was too general: boingboing's main RSS file would
be n/a with the above. But all the ads live under /~a/...
regexi ^http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ http://localhost/jesred/dot.gif